Tuesday 7 December 2010

Pseudo Individualisation Blog Task

In the text Adorno engages in a analysis of music and how particular music such as serious music and popular music and how each of the types of music differ from one another. Adorno refers to pop music as being "standardised, even where the attempt is made to circumvent standardisation." (Adorno, 1941 pg. 11). According to Adorno, popular music isn't unique, in every song though it may sound the sound different can be linked back to a familiar rythme or how a song is structured such as a chorus consisting of thirty two bars or in a dance or drum and bass song where there is a build up and drop or break down this is a common pattern. 

Adorno also suggests the idea of Pseudo- Individualisation, which is the idea of the listener having a preconception of a particular kind of music and them already judging that song whether or not it fits in with there interests. This is also apparent in other things around the world, fashion especially. Adorno's view is that if a piece of music is standardised but appears to people that it is different they will listen and buy it out of knowing they will enjoy listening to the music but not realising that they have listened to something very similar before.

This video is a perfect example of what may be thought as non pop music is actually far from that. Mainly focusing on the actual genre of music itself rather than the video. Dubstep although not classed as popular music can be seen to be standardised. Dubstep prides itself as not following a specific structure as seen in music that it has derived from such as drum and bass and garage. Structural characteristics such as the wobble base, bass drops and rewinds are all things that are featured heavily in the music.

Adorno believes that people want to escape the harsh realities of the real world and wish to engage with something that isn't serious. It is suggested that those who listen to the music do not understand the music but merely due to the type of people that listen to ... are listening to it because it is what is represented to them in that culture and what it means to them. 

Lecture 3- The Gaze